our July CLASSES monday morning training 20 | 27 July 11.00 – 13.00 evening… Read the postcontemporary Classes
a 20 minute extract from YES! today 16 July 2015, h.20.30 città balena Teatro i… Read the postYES! |today 16 July
a 20 minute extract from YES! 16 July 2015, h.20.30 città balena Teatro i… Read the postYES! | Città Balena
Friday 19 June 2015, QUATTROx4 h. 21.30 for info and booking: Via privata Pericle 16, 20126,… Read the postYES! | Quattrox4
MOON saturday 13 June | h 10.30 – 15.00 intensive class please confirm your participation as… Read the postMoon
our next date with YES! 4 JUNE 2015 , TEATRO TOFF CAGLIARI h.21.00 for info… Read the postYES! | Cagliari